Pohl Consulting – Acquisition of a Specialist in Development Consulting

Pohl Consulting & Associates from Berlin is one of Europe's leading development consulting firms. Its main areas of expertise include capacity building with local ministries and government agencies in emerging and developing countries. The company works primarily for donor institutions. These finance the projects carried out by PCA. The European Union in particular is an important client, but so are the European Bank and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
  • Transaction: Company sale


FCG Finnish Consulting Group Ltd. from Helsinki plays a leading role in development consulting in the Nordic countries and is advancing its development in Germany and Europe by acquiring Pohl Consulting & Associates.

“The team around project manager Fabian Schmidt approached a large number of potential partners and pre-selected the suitable candidates. The cooperation was transparent; I received monthly status reports on the status of our joint project. All in all, I found the company to be an experienced and reliable partner in my endeavor.”


Pohl Consulting & Associates

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Syntra Corporate Finance GmbH
Am Leitz-Park 4
35578 Wetzlar

+49 6441 7858720